Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Fundamentals of Polygraph Practice by Donald Krapohl, Pamela Shaw

Fundamentals of Polygraph Practice by Donald Krapohl, Pamela Shaw

Fundamentals of Polygraph Practice

Fundamentals of Polygraph Practice by Donald Krapohl, Pamela Shaw PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Though polygraph has been the mainstay for government and police departments since World War II, it has undergone substantial transformation in recent years. Fundamentals of Polygraph Practice bridges the gap between the outmoded practices and today’s validated testing and analysis protocols. The goal of this reference is to thoroughly and concisely describe the evidence-based practices of polygraphy. Coverage will include: psychophysiology, testing techniques, data collection, data analysis, ethics, polygraph law, alternate technologies and much more. This text addresses the foundational needs of polygraph students, and is written to be useful and accessible to attorneys, forensic scientists, consumers of polygraph services, and the general public.

  • Includes protocols and fundamentals of polygraph practice
  • Covers the history of lie detection, psychophysiology, data collection, techniques and testing, data analysis and much more
  • Authors are internationally recognized in the polygraph field

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