Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Haunted Columbia, Missouri (Haunted America) by Mary Collins Barile

Haunted Columbia, Missouri (Haunted America) by Mary Collins Barile

Haunted Columbia, Missouri (Haunted America)

Haunted Columbia, Missouri (Haunted America) by Mary Collins Barile PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

According to Columbia ghost lore, the city’s dead only dabble with departure. The specter of Broadway legend Maude Adams checks in on classes at Stephens College, while ragtime pioneer John William Boone returns to trail invisible fingers along his grand piano. Some linger from love, like the spirit of the Osage woman who waited for a final walk with the brave she was to marry. Others remain for a reckoning, like the guerrilla stalking Brannock Hall for the Union sniper who shot him down or the murdered child discovered in the plaster of a frontier tavern. From the columns of Mizzou’s quad to the region’s winding country roads, author Mary Collins Barile explores the restless graves of Columbia’s eerie heritage.

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