Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Rotational Vestibular Assessment by Christopher Zalewski

Rotational Vestibular Assessment by Christopher Zalewski

Rotational Vestibular Assessment

Rotational Vestibular Assessment by Christopher Zalewski PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Rotational Vestibular Assessment represents a primary clinical core for audiologists and expands the vestibular assessment battery through a comprehensive discussion of rotational vestibular testing. This text details the various tests that can be performed though rotational assessment, including the benefits and limitations of each. Test interpretation and clinical application of rotational outcome measures data is also discussed.

Rotational testing currently enjoys a unique presence in vestibular assessment as it offers an analysis of the vestibular system that is unparalleled in its ability to evaluate both peripheral and central aspects of vestibular disease, particularly when standard measures such as videonystagmography (VNG) are non-contributory. The future of rotational testing is promising as more affordable methods become available such as the use of booth-less rotational chairs and more affordable video ocular recording methods. In light of this, rotational testing is poised to become the new standard of vestibular assessment and this timely text is dedicated to its understanding.

Rotational Vestibular Assessment is invaluable for anyone performing vestibular testing, rehabilitation, or evaluation. This includes audiologists, otologists, neurotologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and students seeking these professions.

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